Taiwanese rice cooker face mask sterilization
Step 1
Place the inner pot rack inside the bottom of the rice cooker, followed by the inner pot on top of the rack.
Step 2
1. DO NOT add any water inside the pot.
2. Face masks need to be opened up and placed flat.
Place up to THREE face masks at at a time inside the pot. Lay them out like playing cards: staggered and fanned out.
Step 3
Press the ON button. Which is also the "cook" button–– on old school versions, you press the button down.
Wait for about 3 minutes, the ON button should automatically pop up. This will put the cooker in "KEEP WARM" mode.
Keeping the lid covered, wait 5 minutes and let the hot air inside continue to disinfect the masks.
Step 4
Your masks are sanitized! Open the lid up and enjoy your mask.
Other notes:
1. Only sanitize your next batch of masks AFTER the rice cooker has completely cooled down.
2. For disposable masks, it is recommended that you only disinfect with this method between 3–5 times, then discard. (For cloth masks, I recommend giving it a good wash in the washer after 3 times using this method!)
3. Don't forget: only THREE masks maximum inside the pot at a time!